Where to Use Your Positive Dental Patient Reviews

Where to Use Your Positive Dental Patient Reviews

You may have been advised at one point or another not to toot your own horn, but when it comes to positive dental patient reviews, honk away!

Patient reviews and testimonials are the most valuable dental marketing assets you have. Unfortunately, many dental practices go through the effort of collecting them, but never use them effectively.

If you’re fortunate to have a collection of great testimonials and reviews but don’t quite know the best way to put them to work, we can offer some suggestions.

Where you should use your reviews

Dental Website

Your website is one of the first places people will look to learn more about you and your reputation, so it makes sense to use plenty of testimonials on those pages.Your home page and sidebars are good locations, but also consider some of the following specific uses.

Testimonials Page

If you have a good number of testimonials collected, it can create quite an impression to gather them all on one page. If you really have a lot of them, it may be possible on your website to either shuffle the order in which they display or randomly select which ones are shown so none of them get buried at the bottom of the list. If any of your reviews come from third-party sites (like Google or Facebook) or dental review software (such as Swell or Birdeye), you should also able to embed them directly on your own website. Check with your web developer to see if these features are possible.

Services Pages

For reviews that refer specifically to any of the services you offer, like whitening or implants, use those testimonials on the specific pages of your website where those services are featured. The more relevant your testimonials are to the treatment your patients are considering, the better.

Team Member Pages

Many of your testimonials may be about specific team members. If that’s the case, go ahead and share those kind words on your team biography pages. Your personalities may very well be what keeps your patients coming back and people who have never visited before will feel more at ease knowing that your team members are well-liked.

Social Media

Social media like Facebook and Instagram are great places to showcase your testimonials. There are a couple of different ways you can do it.


If you have a testimonial video from a patient, that’s great social media content. Written reviews or quotes also work well, especially if you have a photo of the patient. Including a thank you acknowledgement to the person who gave you the compliment can be a nice touch.


Even if you only have the text from a positive review, it can make a great visual graphic. Instagram makes it easy to do with its Type Mode. You can also create free graphics with Canva.

Paid Ads

Do you have an absolutely amazing testimonial you want to showcase? Consider putting some money behind it and running it as part of a paid ad on social media. Before running the ad, it may be a good idea to let the person know you’ll be featuring them so there are no surprises.

Landing Pages

Using testimonials on your landing pages can help convert more people into leads. The “social proof” that other people think highly of your office can help persuade others to take the next step toward becoming a patient. Position the testimonials near your call to action (CTA) to give visitors a little extra nudge to hit your submit button.

Email and Direct Mail Campaigns

Email and direct mail promotions give you an opportunity to match up testimonials with specific audiences (assuming your list is properly targeted). For example, if you’re sending a back-to-school campaign to local families, include a testimonial from a mom or dad who recently brought their kids in for a checkup.