Why you should prioritize dental email marketing and how to do it

Why you should prioritize dental email marketing and how to do it

I have some good news, and I have some bad news.

Here’s the bad news first. You’ve probably been missing out on one of the most cost effective forms of dental marketing you could possibly use to generate more appointments for your office.


OK, but wait, here’s the good news. You may already have everything you need to start using it right away. If not, you can get it cheap.

What is dental email marekting? The best marketing tool you’ve been missing out on.

Email is easily the most underused method of dental marketing available to practices. But it can be one of the most cost effective, delivering a 4,200% return on your investment (nope, that’s not a typo).

Email marketing is a feature built into many dental patient management systems, so you may already have the tools you need to get started. Even if you don’t, there are several low-cost email platforms out there that are easy to use. MailChip, ReachMail, and Benchmark actually have free plans if you really want to save money.

If you’re not already using email as part of your dental marketing strategy, here are three good reasons why you should.

It can reach the right people

One of the biggest strengths of dental email marketing is that you can send your message to the exact people you want to reach. Whether you are targeting 5 people or 500, as long as your patient database holds the right information, you can segment your list and send the right message to the right people so that your dental email marketing strategy is always highly relevant to your audience (e.g., you could send an email reminding all of your patients who had their last whitening treatment more than two years years ago that they may be due for a boost).

Want another good reason to segment your dental clinic email marketing efforts? Marketers who do so see as much as a 760% increase in revenue!

It can be automated

You’d rather spend your time treating patients than marketing to them, right? Then, let your email software work on autopilot while you’re in the operatory.

You can set up fully automated “drip” campaigns, which send pre-written content on a scheduled basis when subscribers meet a certain requirement. For example, someone who submits a form on your website to download a free offer might get a series of emails encouraging them to take the next step and schedule an appointment or consultation.

Even if your emails are automated, that doesn’t mean they have to be impersonal. In fact, your dentist email marketing plan can be fine-tuned to include first names (or other personal information) in your subject lines and greetings so your recipient feels like the email is meant “just for them.”

It can be tracked

Just about every email software platform gives you reporting and analytics, so you’ll know almost immediately if a particular email or campaign is performing well. You can even run A/B tests, which let you compare the effectiveness of different aspects of your email, like subject lines and images. The software sends the different versions of your email to separate portions of your list and compares the results so you can pick the best option for future mailings.

10 powerful dental email marketing tips

Effective email marketing for dentists is a vital tool for practices looking to connect with their patients, build trust, and grow their businesses. With well-crafted email marketing for dentist offices, practices can effectively communicate with their patients, offer valuable information, and promote their services.

Not sure how to do email marketing for your practice? Here are 10 powerful dental email marketing examples and tips that can help you thrive in the competitive healthcare industry:

  1. Personalize Your Emails: One of the most effective ways to engage with patients is by personalizing your email campaigns. Address recipients by their first names and tailor your content to their specific needs and preferences. Personalization not only grabs their attention but also fosters a sense of connection and trust.
  2. Build a Targeted Email List: A fundamental element of effective dental email marketing is the creation of a well-segmented and high-quality email list. Start by encouraging existing patients to opt in for email communications and offering incentives for sign-ups. Segment your list based on demographics, patient history, and interests to send personalized and relevant content.
  3. Craft Engaging Subject Lines: The subject line is your first opportunity to capture people’s attention. Make it compelling to encourage recipients to open your emails. To capture your audience’s attention, create subject lines that are concise, intriguing, and relevant to the email’s content. Incorporate personalization when possible, addressing recipients by their names or using tailored messaging.
  4. Use Professional Email Design: A well-designed email reflects the professionalism of your practice. Incorporate clean, easy-to-read layouts that align with your brand image. Additionally, include high-quality visuals, including images and graphics, to enhance the visual appeal of your emails and make them more engaging for your recipients.
  5. Provide Valuable Content: Your emails should always provide something of value to the recipient, whether it’s informative content, special offers, or updates about your services. Educational content can establish your practice as a trusted source of dental information. For example, an orthodontist email marketing campaign can share articles, videos, and infographics about orthodontic treatments, the importance of proper alignment, and how to maintain proper hygiene during orthodontic care.
  6. Send Out Appointment Reminders: Sending timely appointment reminders may feel like standard practice, but it can be a crucial part of your dental email marketing plan. This doesn’t just reduce no-shows and last-minute cancellations — it also makes patients feel valued, streamlines your practice’s operations, and improves patient satisfaction.
  7. Include Clear CTAs: Every email should have a clear, actionable Call to Action, whether it’s to book an appointment, take advantage of a special offer, or learn more about a service. Make sure your CTAs are prominently placed and use compelling language that encourages recipients to take immediate action, helping to drive conversions and engagement.
  8. Optimize for Mobile Devices: With the increasing use of mobile devices to check emails, ensure your email design is mobile-friendly. Additionally, consider using concise and scannable content to cater to the on-the-go nature of mobile users, making it easier for them to absorb your dental practice’s messaging.
  9. Track and Analyze Your Campaigns: Use analytics to track the success of your email marketing campaigns. Understanding what works and what doesn’t allows you to refine and improve your strategies.
  10. Send Birthday and Holiday Greetings: Sending personalized birthday greetings or holiday wishes can foster a strong patient-provider relationship. It shows that you care about your patients beyond their dental needs, strengthening the bond and loyalty they have to your practice.

By implementing these best practices in email marketing for dentistry, you can effectively reach and engage your audience, promote your services, and grow your dental practice.