Is your social media working?


Is your dental practice’s social media carrying its weight when it comes to your marketing?

Hi, I’m Xaña Winans, Founder and CEO of Golden Proportions Marketing, one of the biggest and most experienced dental marketing agencies in the country.

Knowing how well your dental social media marketing efforts are performing is important. Even though the platforms you use like Facebook and Instagram are free, social media marketing can drain both time and money from your dental practice if it is not being done effectively.

Trying to keep track of all of the dozens (and dozens) of dental social media metrics can be overkill. To simplify things, focus on the two most important social media factors — reach and engagement.

Social media reach

What is your social media reach? It is simply how many people your content is being seen by. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are paying attention to it, but at least you know it is available to them if they’re interested.

There are three types of social reach you need to consider separately.

Organic reach is the number of people who saw your post in their feed as a result of following or liking your social account. This is the audience segment you are most connected with since they have indicated that they are interested in your content. This is your most important segment to focus on since they are the people most likely to become your patients and/or recommend your office to someone they know.

Viral reach tracks how many people have seen your content indirectly as a result of other people sharing it. They may not be connected to you directly, but their friends and/or families are. That means they may just one step away from becoming followers if they like what they see. Your viral reach statistics will let you know if the content you are sharing is worthy of being passed along to others.

Paid reach is important because it is the number of people who saw your content through your promoted social posts or ads. This is the most expensive, and least engaged, audience to reach. You want to keep an eye on your paid reach so you can evaluate how cost-effective your paid social ads are and whether or not you need to make adjustments to your targeting or strategy.

Social media engagement

Your social engagement statistics let you know if the content you are creating is hitting the mark. Low levels of engagement will mean you will begin to lose your audience, if you haven’t done so already. Keep a close watch on the amount of likes and shares you have for various types of dental social media posts. Use that information to help you decide what content to create more of, and what can be trimmed from your social media calendar.

If your engagement is low for paid content distribution, that’s a clear signal that you need to re-evaluate your content to get more value for your marketing budget.

If you want to learn more about tracking your social media marketing, we have the perfect resource for you. Click the link to get your free copy of The Ultimate Guide to Social Media Marketing for Dentists today!

Thanks for watching!