6 Surprising Facts About Dental Postcards


Print is NOT dead. Yep, you read that right. If you think direct mail and dental postcards are dead and belong in the last decade, you really need to watch this video. Press play and find out what percentage of consumers say they’ll try a business after they get something in the mail from them. We will blow your mind with some interesting statistics about direct mail and dental postcards you need to hear before you spend another cent on your dental marketing. Could a dental postcard be the boost you need to beat the competition in your market?

Xaña Winans, CEO and owner of Golden Proportions Marketing, the country’s leading dental marketing company, will show you why dental postcards can actually be the perfect complement to your digital marketing efforts. (You have to press play to find out how exactly.) She’ll show you six surprising facts and statistics that could just change the way you feel about using dental postcards as part of your comprehensive dental marketing plan. Press play and find out what percentage of consumers say they’ll try a business after they get something in the mail from them.

(P.S. There’s even more good stuff waiting for you. This is the year you’re moving away from stale dental marketing and start fresh for the new year with a new personal playbook filled with custom monthly marketing strategies that work. Download your FREE copy of “The 2020 Dental Marketing Inspiration Guide” today to get started. 

If you want to learn even more about dental advertising from the experts,  subscribe to the Golden Proportions Marketing YouTube channel and get friendly with us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. Every one of our social media platforms has ways for you to engage and learn about growing your practice presence in your community and online.) 

need some dental marketing inspiration


Here’s a fact that’s going to blow your mind. According to the direct marketing association, direct mail has a higher return on investment than paid search and runs neck and neck with the ROI of social media. Who knew?

Hi, I’m Xaña Winans, CEO and owner of Golden Proportions Marketing, the country’s leading dental marketing company. We’re experts on all types of dental marketing strategies, including dental postcards, and I’m here today to change your mind about direct mail.

I bet you thought direct mail was dead, right? Wrong. The mailman still has a job, so what’s going on in this digital world? It turns out dental postcards are a perfect compliment to digital marketing. Let me prove it to you with these six surprising facts that might change your mind about using dental postcards.

  1. 40% of consumers say they’ll try a new business after receiving direct mail. Hmmm…any new practices watching?
  2. 70% of Americans say mail is more personal than the internet. In this automated world, we all want something personal and authentic.
  3. Even Millennials love direct mail! 69% of 18-24 year olds say they actually prefer printed communication to reading off a screen. 
  4. 59% of consumers find print marketing to be more trustworthy than the internet.
  5. Receiving something in the mail influenced 60% of recipients to check out a company’s website. Not ranking on page one? You NEED to check out dental postcards to drive traffic!
  6. Direct mail recipients spent 28% more than those who did not receive mail from a company. 

I don’t know about you, but dental postcards are suddenly starting to sound a lot more attractive. When used with a mix of call tracking, a conversion driven website and a solid brand presence, they can have a real impact on new patients. Looking for ideas? Check out the dental postcard ideas in our online portfolio, and then call me to talk about your options. Thanks for watching!