Your Dental SEO – Are Your Being Realistic?


Are you confused why your dental SEO isn’t living up to your expectations?

Hi, I’m Xaña Winans, Founder and CEO of Golden Proportions Marketing, one of the largest and most experienced dental marketing agencies in the country.

SEO can definitely work wonders for your dental website and bring lots of new patients through the door. But you do need to be realistic about your expectations or you may end up disappointed. Here are some of the comments we hear from dentists who expect a little too much from their SEO…

I’m not seeing results yet.

Some SEO improvements, especially technical and on-page optimization, can produce immediate results. Other dental search engine marketing issues, however, can take several months (even a year) to show real signs of improvement and reach the goals you had set. Also keep in mind that SEO is a moving target, and there are countless factors that can push you up or down in the rankings from day to day, week to week, or month to month.

I’m not on the first page of Google.

Is it likely you will dominate search rankings for every single keyword? Probably not, but what is important is identifying the most important pages and keywords you want to rank for and focus on those. SEO is also an incremental process, so starting with small steps and ranking highly for the most important searches will give you the foundation to build a stronger and stronger search presence as you go.

It’s not free?

SEO generally delivers fantastic ROI. But the exact costs will vary greatly, depending on multiple factors such as:

  • Your current SEO practices
  • The quality of your website
  • Your goals
  • The market you are in and number of competitors

Who will be managing your SEO

If you have the time, resources, knowledge, and desire, then you may be able to manage your own SEO (or at least parts of it) and keep your expense at a minimum. Most dental practices, however, make the decision to outsource to a dental SEO company to get the best possible results.

If you do decide to hire someone (which is usually the best choice), give us a call. We’ve been helping dentists with SEO for a long time, and we definitely know what we’re doing.

Thanks for watching!