Does your dental SEO need help?


You’ve probably seen plenty of emails in your inbox from a self-proclaimed SEO “expert” who “happened” to notice that your website’s SEO sucks. Sure, it’s just a random spam email. But what if they’re right?

Hi. I’m Xaña Winans, CEO of Golden Proportions Marketing, one of the most experienced dental marketing companies in the country. Today, I want to give you some quick ways to tell if your dental SEO sucks.

It’s really easy to read those emails and actually start to wonder, is my dental SEO agency actually doing what I pay them to do, or are they slacking? There are a few tell-tale things you can look at to know if you’re getting your money’s worth.

Let’s take a look at this sample Google search result for “cosmetic dentist in Lewisburg.” (Yes, it’s my husband Larry’s practice. And yes, I am biased.)

Title Tag

Does your keyword phrase appear in your page’s title? Ideally, the closer it can be to the beginning of the title the better. You can see here that “Lewisburg Cosmetic Dentistry” is right up front. Good job Larry!


Next, look at the URL of the page. Is it full of symbols and numbers that don’t make any sense, or does it actually have words in it that match the topic of your page? This one has all the right words. Doing great, Larry!

Description Tag

This one sometimes gets overlooked. Google doesn’t necessarily use this to determine rankings, but a good description can help your listing stand out to users and can even encourage them to click on you instead of someone else who ranks higher. Also notice that the keywords I searched for appear in bold in the description, which is an additional signal to the user that this is a relevant web page for their search.

Keyword Usage

Now click through to the actual page. This may be obvious to say, but if you, as a human, can’t look at the content of a web page and tell what it’s about, search engines won’t be able to either.

Do you see your keywords on the page? Where do they show up? You should see them in the main headings of the page, and definitely near the top of the page. They should appear more than once on the page, but not so much that it seems like the page is over-stuffed with keywords and written for a search engine, and not people.

Granted, there’s a lot more to dental website SEO than these few things, but if your SEO professional isn’t even getting these right, then it may be time for you to re-evaluate.

Luckily, my husband Larry thinks we’re doing a pretty good job.

Thanks for watching!