Does your dental marketing need a boost? (Or a Facebook ad?)


So, your office is on Facebook and you’re posting regularly. That’s great. But you also know you can be reaching more people by putting some dental advertising money behind it. The question is, should you boost your posts or create Facebook ads?

Hi, I’m Xaña Winans, Founder and CEO of Golden Proportions Marketing, one of the largest and most experienced dental marketing agencies in the country. Today I’m going to show you a couple of examples to help you understand when to boost posts or when to use Facebook Ads as part of a strategy of digital marketing for dentists.


As a first example, you posted a new blog article to Facebook about the benefits of teeth whitening. That post got more than 50 likes, 19 comments, one share, and two people who mentioned the article when they scheduled whitening appointments. This is a perfect example of when to boost a post. You’ve already seen that people found the content interesting. Boosting the post to reach a lookalike audience similar to the people who like your page located within 10 miles of your dental office should get even more engagement, and possibly more scheduled appointments.

Facebook Ad

For a second example, let’s say you just hired a pediatric dentist and you want to grow your pediatric patients. To jumpstart this side of your business, you’re also running a discounted children’s new patient special. A Facebook ad would be the perfect way to promote this deal. You could target mothers between the ages 22 to 35 who have children 3 to 12 years old. With a very specific audience, you’ll convert at a much higher rate and optimize your return on investment.

These are just a couple of examples of when to use boosted posts versus Facebook Ads. There are limitless other ways you can effectively use Facebook to promote your dental business.

Want to learn more about Facebook advertising? Be sure to check out The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Dentists. Click the link to get your free copy today!